The Vitafresh Produce Team Visit Our Berry Growers for the Summer Season

As the sun begins to appear and the days grow longer, there's a sense of anticipation in the air – summer is on its way, and with it, comes the promise of British berries bursting with flavour. At Vitafresh Produce, we're not just passionate about providing the freshest produce to our customers; we're dedicated to nurturing relationships with the growers who make it all possible. That's why, as the summer berry season approaches, our Vitafresh team recently embarked on a journey to visit our berry growers, ensuring that we're primed and ready to deliver the finest berries straight from the field to your table.

Stepping onto the fields of our partner berry farms, our team was greeted by the sight of rows upon rows of berry bushes. We eagerly await the imminent arrival of strawberries in the coming weeks, with raspberries and an array of other delicious berries to follow in June.

We were welcomed with open arms by the dedicated farmers who tend to these crops day in and day out. From discussing the intricacies of irrigation and soil management to sharing insights on pest control and sustainable farming practices, it was clear that these growers were true stewards of the land, committed to producing the highest quality berries while minimising their environmental footprint.

At Vitafresh, we believe that strong partnerships are the foundation of success. Our visits to the berry growers not only provided us with a firsthand understanding of their operations but also strengthened the bonds of trust and collaboration between us. From ensuring that our growers have access to the latest agricultural technologies to providing ongoing support and expertise, we're dedicated to empowering them to thrive. After all, their success is our success, and together, we're shaping a brighter future for the berry industry.

As we bid farewell to our berry growers and made our way back to the Vitafresh headquarters, our hearts were filled with excitement for the season ahead. From the fields to your plate, we're committed to delivering the freshest, most flavourful British berries. Talk to us about our British berry supply today. Speak to a member of the team.

Tegan Parsons