Spanish Bell Pepper Import Season

Harvey Cleeton - VitaFresh Produce

"We have been getting Spanish bell peppers for a few weeks now, quality and volumes are good"

The Spanish bell pepper import season has started at VitaFresh Produce, the first red, green and yellow bell peppers arrived at the start of November.

“Our growers are in El Ejido, in Southern Spain, we have been getting bell peppers for a few weeks now and the volumes are good,” said Harvey Cleeton, from VitaFresh. “All of the bell peppers are grown in poly tunnels, so any wet weather doesn’t affect them. There was a very hot spell in the summer, but the quality we are receiving is excellent.”

VitaFresh import bell peppers and other fresh produce for distribution to wholesalers and foodservice providers.

“The Dutch and UK bell pepper seasons have just ended so demand on the UK market is good. Prices took a week or so to catch up as the Dutch season ended with low prices. We import some good volumes of peppers each week of which we then distribute, this enables wholesalers get produce in smaller volumes and offers them continuity in terms of price and supply.

“We have a great partnership with our growers who do a great job and always give us great quality produce.”

For more information:
Harvey Cleeton
Vitafresh Produce
Mobile +44 (0) 7435260362

Tegan Parsons